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Tizbi partnered with Zeis Textiles Extension at NCSU to help professors monetize their original learning content

Tizbi's UHarvest curriculum sharing portal brings revenue to professors and meets the educational needs of academic institutions

Universities all over the world are starving for a quality academic content to diversify their curriculum. Professors and subject matter experts create educational content and use it in their classes. How about selling this content to other learning institutions for mutual benefit?

This is where Tizbi's VPortal steps in!

Zeis Textiles Extension in search for a curriculum sharing service

The Zeis Textile Extension of NCSU was established in 2006 and since then has taught over 600 courses to more than 12,000 students, bringing an economic impact of nearly $300,000,000.

ZTE's professional education programs offer a variety of learning opportunities both for beginners and industry professionals. ZTE has created a wide selection of seminars, conferences and education courses that cover all phases of textile processing - from fiber to finished product. Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, Black Belt and Master Black Belt certificates are awarded along with courses.

In recent years ZTE met a growing demand for these courses and certificates from learning institutions in countries across multiple continents. The challenge was to find a way to share educational content with students both in USA and abroad, without spending too much time and money on "packaging" this content and keeping an eye on the students' progress.

Tizbi created UHarvest to help ZTE and other educators share their content

Tizbi, an NC-based software development company, partnered with ZTE and created a custom software solution for curriculum sharing - UHarvest. Tizbi's UHarvest came out as a customized software product that allowed content creators and subject matter experts like ZTE to monetize their original academic content by selling it to other institutions seeking unique classes.

Tizbi team did all the job of packaging the classes to make them available as an out-of-the-box product. Now purchasing institutions simply register through UHarvest for the ZTE classes they want, specify the number of students, and pay for the class with a credit card. Simple as that!

How UHarvest works

UHarvest offers a way to handle academic assets without spending much time and effort formatting content. Tizbi team organizes all the materials into professional online classes and uploads them to UHarvest portal. UHarvest classes can contain text, video, audio, slide-shows, online tests, graphics, HTML-content, and other interactive elements.

Students can communicate with professors and classmates via in-built chat app, download attachments, rate lessons and courses, make notes, and turn on multilingual subtitles.

Content creators can have as much or as little oversight of the classes as they want. They can track users' activity, assign courses to users, award certificates, and even charge a fee for personal tutoring - all through one user- friendly dashboard.

Tizbi's UHarvest - not just another distance learning program

Before UHarvest professors at ZTE and other academic institutions had very few ways to benefit from their unique educational content. Due to that, priceless assets lay unutilized. Tizbi's UHarvest made it easy for content creators to collect the profit that they deserve for their hard work. And by doing that, UHarvest simultaneously met the needs of academic institutions all over the world. So UHarvest is not just another B2C distance learning program or a LMS. It is a curriculum-sharing portal that allows professors to monetize their assets by selling them to other universities.